I've been meaning to post this post for a long time.
Everyone knows I rolled my car and I'm fine, and that my passenger Sophie is fine.
BUT I forgot to tell everyone about my
other passenger.
His name is Soup and he is a turtle.
He was a gift to me from my friend Katie who happened to find him in bowl in
Beaver Dick Park, just outside Rexburg, ID. She had no way of getting him home (she was sure she couldn't smuggle him on the plane home) so he became mine. He sat in a small rubbermade in-between Sophie and I on the ride home.
While Sophie and I were waiting for the ambulance to arrive a man who stopped to help (who just happened to be an off-duty EMT) asked me if there was anyone else in the car. For some reason (probably the shock) I kept asking for my turtle, Soup. I bet everyone was expecting something wonderful, an exotic tortise with spurs on it's shell perhaps, ...not a rubbermade with a smelly half-dollar sized turtle in it.
The ambulance came and as they were checking everything vital the man, along with some other people, kept looking for Soup.
I was sure he was dead, there was stuff from my car thrown all over the road, there was no way Soup made it.
Just as they were putting the stretcher in the ambulance the man said "I found it! And it's still alive!" He brought Soup to me and we both rode in the ambulance to the hospital.
Soup has been great. He's got a fun personality and It's neat to watch him sometimes. When I turn the lights off in his tank (he needs at least 12 hours of light a day) he starts pushing his rocks around and his home is rearranged when I turn the lights back on in the morning.
As much as I love Soup I know his current tank isn't a good enough home for him.
He needs a filtration system (which I don't have). Because I don't have a filtration system I (well...actually Jessie) has to clean his tank out every week, and sometimes it doesn't get done. And sometimes the day after it is cleaned it is already dirty again.
It really isn't healthy for him to swim around in filth.
So I decided it was time to find soup a better home.
A lady I work with said her daughter had a tank with a filtration system and everything and she already had one turtle and she'd love to have Soup.
He was adopted today.
I'm sad that he's gone but I'm also happy he has a good clean home with someone who'll love him as much as I did.
Plus....as much as I loved Soup I really want a tortise (a tortise is a 'turtle' that lives on land, a 'turtle' lives in the water).