Wednesday, July 29, 2009


I just wanted to say thanks to those of you who commented on my last blog!
It really does mean a lot and it is nice to know that someone cares :)
You guys rocks!
Good to know that all I have to do to generate blog comments is risk my life :) jk

I'm feeling...better.
I'm going to physical therapy three times a week because my left arm from my elbow to my shoulder doesn't work. And by doesn't work I mean I can't move it and it is it basically just hangs there unless I use my right hand to move it.
I keep discovering bruises I didn't know I had before and for some reason my bruises seem to be getting darker. What gives?
Here are some pictures of my bruises...not all because that would be boring.
Not like these aren't boring but at least it is a new blog right?

My Shoulder

Under my left forearm

My leg...or my arm... I think my leg

My left arm


Katy Wilson said...

eww...are they the painful kind of bruises...or the ones that don't hurt. I bet they hurt...a lot.

The Hathaways said...

Ouch! Those look pretty painful. I hope you're arm gets better soon.

Joanne said...

Dang! I hurt for you. I hope your arm starts working again. It always weirds me out when I wake up in the night and one of my arms is asleep and I have to use my other arm to move it off of my face or something crazy like that. I can't imagine it being numb for days like your, though. I'm so glad nothing worse happened to either of you. I sure hope your arm feels better soon.

mom said...

I am trying to figure out how you took those pictures by yourself...neither Jessie or I were home. I am so sorry you feel so bad, I wish I could kiss it and make it worked when you were little.

Jared and Rachel Judy said...

Holy cow hun! I hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

My battle wound is NOTHING compared to yours. I hope your physical therapy goes well! I'm sure it's painful but it'll be worth it.