Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Lady...You're an Idiot!!

I work at the Fudge Factory.
We often get really stupid comments and questions.
For example:
What kind of nuts are in the plain chocolate?
ummm.....are you kidding? There are NO nuts in the plain.
Probably one of my favorites is:
Do you guys makes this here? (as Jessie, Dorris, Eli, or Durell are busy over a hot 20lb batch of fudge)
People are just stupid.

I love it when people reach for a sample that is pink (strawberries & cream) and say "Is this the chocolate mint?"

For Halloween we have a couple of seasonal flavors. Cookies & Scream, and Pumpkin Pie.
I had a sample of both of those flavors sitting on the sample tray the other day. A lady and her husband came in and inquired about the flavors. The husband grabbed a sample of Cookies & Scream. (which is oreo cookies crushed up in a very simple vanilla fudge with orange food coloring to make it more festive) After tasting it he made a weird face and said:
"Nothing special about that...it tastes like Penuche (which is a brown sugar fudge with almost a maple flavor) with orange flavoring in it."
I had to hold back my laughter.
Just because it is dyed orange doesn't mean there is orange flavoring! I can guarantee you that if we blind folded 1,000 people and gave them a sample they wouldn't taste ANY orange. And as far as tasting penuche??!?!
Then wife grabbed a sample of pumpkin and quickly recoiled from the counter and said, "WOW!!! TOO MUCH NUTMEG!!!!!"
I couldn't help but say, "Nutmeg huh? We don't put any Nutmeg in it."
I know some people put nutmeg in their pumpkin pie, but we just use the simple libby's pumpkin pie mix which is basically just pumpkin, cinnamon, and pumpkin pie spice. There might be a little nutmeg in the mix but it is so minute that to say too much nutmeg is hilarious.
Who knows what they were thinking.


Kevin said...

This made me happy. People are weird. Also, I need fudge stuffs. Perhaps I shall stop by sometime & be patronizing.

Katy Wilson said...

Parachute...opps...I mean perenchio!! I love stupid people and their stupid questions...I'm surprised you held back as much as you did...

Jessie said...

people are very stupid...lol

Unknown said...


sage said...

i miss the fudge factory. especially the stupid questions oh my

JHayes said...

So...what kind of nuts are in the plain chocolate?

Lyd said...

I love dumb people; they make me giggle.

Erin and Devin said...

I find that highly hysterical!!! Haha... :) Its funny what our eyes tell us... by merely looking at something, we taste different things.. Tacy, I miss you and I wish we lived closer so we could hang! Next time I am in Nauvoo... (not sure when that will be...) I will be calling you to do some fun hangin out! Love ya!