Friday, August 28, 2009

*Results Not Typical

In my 2001 Things To Do Before You Die book one of the things is "Read the fine print"
I've started reading the fine print, mostly on TV commercials but also on other products.
I was reading my shampoo bottle the other day and it said "Hair is 5x's stronger!!" followed by a '*'. I followed the '*' to the bottom of the bottle to find out that results showed that when using the whole Garnier Fructis system hair tested five times stronger than using the leading brand of non-conditioning shampoo alone.
I wondered why my hair didn't feel amazingly strong.


mom said...

Of course it is stronger...with all that product on it, it would be like a wire wrapped in plastic coating. Yuck!

Katy Wilson said...

wire wrapped in plastic coating...hmmm...that would be nasty...but i bet your hair would actually be really soft if you used all of the garnier products

Jessie said...

well i read your blog...

katie said...

I tried garnier shampoo and conditioner, I wasn't impressed. It left my hair feeling slimey.

Lyd said...

I thought I commented on this, but I guess I didn't. What the?