Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pride Cometh Before The Roll

At about 6:11 am (central time) I decided it would be fun to practice my stunt car driving skills.
Ok- actually Sophie Smith and I were on our way to Nauvoo from Rexburg and we got to Pella IA (about 3 hours from Nauvoo) and I must have fallen asleep/closed my eyes because I rolled my jeep three times.
I don't remember anything before the rolling besides saying "man! I can't believe how awake I am and we're going to be home in 3 hours!" Sophie says we were having a conversation and she reached down to her feet for something and I lost control (closed my eyes) and over corrected and we flipped/skid three times, eventually landing right side up. Sophie thought the car was going to explode so she kept telling me to get out but my arm had gone through the driver side window so it was cut/not going anywhere. She ran to help me out and she said I was really really white, even my lips were white, and she kept telling me to sit down. I really don't remember much about waiting for the ambulance it is (understandably) a blur.
We called our parents (3 hours away) and were taken to the hospital and tested. We both have lots of cuts and huge bruises but not a SINGLE broken bone or anything major.
We are TRULY TRULY blessed! The airbags didn't deploy and when we went back to get the stuff from the car we were amazed that we were able to walk away. If we didn't have our seatbelts on we would for sure be seriously injured...actually dead. We would be dead because the whole area around us in the cab of the car is smashed in and our seatbelts held us in place.
It really is a miracle!
beside the fact that my arm was hanging out the window and I can't lift it and it is numb (they say it isn't broken, I believe them) our injuries were minor. Of course were are incredibly sore form whiplash and such but we walked away without injury!
(which is more than I can say for my totaled Jeep)
Actually without injury would be a little bit of a fib. I love my hair (as is evident by this blog!) and I was in such a state of shock that my hair started falling out! Gross I know, but it isn't just like little pieces of hair, huge chunks of my hair! It is sick! I feel like Jo on Little Women when she cuts her hair and her sister says, "your one beauty!" :(
I can't complain though! I'm ALIVE! WE are alive! We truly truly truly are blessed, it is a good thing we said our prayers before leaving!
Oh- and Sophie and I did suffer a casualty. They had to cut our bra's off for our chest scans and Sophie was wearing he favorite bra and I was wearing my ONLY bra! I had just packed the day before and thought, oh I know...I'll get rid of all of these bras I never wear and I'll buy amazing new ones when I get home.

And Sorry to anyone who got a text from me this morning with a picture of me on a stretcher with some comment "guess I should have taken a nap" or something like that. I guess I was trying to channel my shock into humor and that was NOT funny but I was delusional.


Lyd said...

Oh my gosh Tacy! I wish I got that text! haha. But oh my gosh! That truly is amazing! You guys were totally blessed! I can't believe those pictures!! I'm just glad the two of you are ok...even with your hair and bra loss. ;)

Sarah Harward said...

HOLY HOLY HOLY CRAP!!! I can NOT believe this!! What a relief and amazment that you guys are okay!! And you hair!! I've never hear or seen such a thing!! Don't worry about that though, it will grow back. And you can always buy a new bra. Just thank heavens you're okay (and I bet you'll be getting a TON of hugs (which will be good if you're still craving a hug!))

Sarah Harward said...

Okay, I'm really not a complete idiot at the english language. I meant '...YOUR hair' not YOU hair. And I meant 'never HEARD or seen...'. Just wanted to clear that up. Sorry...

Mary said...

I am so glad both of you are ok. You must have angels with you.

Kelli said...

Dang Tacy that is so scary! I'm SO glad you are both okay!!!

ashlee jean said...

oh my word tace ann those pictures are insane. i am so thankful that you and soph are okay. ive been trying to think of something cute and whitty to say, but i cant. i'll have to think a lil longer. im just glad youre okay and i love you SOOOOO much! CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!

Sam said...

Tacy, what can i say?! Since I can't decided, i'm just going for it!

First, I couldn't help but laugh at the line "The airbags didn't deploy..." I'm sorry, but EPIC fail?!

On that note though, talk about epic WIN! Good game to jeep for designing a vehicle that keeps you alive and such. seriously, a big thumbs up to those engineers that stayed awake in math class!

despite the epicness of the fail/win, they are all overshadowed by the epic win of you two being alive!

don't know where i'm going with all this....soooo...i'm glad your alive and not seriously hurt! gotta be thankful for miracles too! stay safe out there after that!

ps. i'm sad for your jeep. happy for the tow truck guy who got some business, but most happy that you are ALIVE!

Lyd said...

My sister brought up a good point. I thought of it before, but didn't remember til now; are you going to file anything with Jeep, seeing as how the airbags didn't deploy?! That should have been something where they should have gone off. That's no small accident! Gosh! That's still so crazy tace!! Take plenty of drugs, because man, you Gunnar be sore girl! :D

Anonymous said...

holy cow those are some crazy pictures, and a really scary story. i'm so glad you girls are ok! seriously..what a blessing!
i made it home ok, but we almost got in a wreck a couple of times with drivers that weren't paying attention. prayers before traveling make a world of difference.
well you've got quite the story to tell your future children when they don't want to wear their seatbelts!

Cheryl Hobbs said...

WOW!!! That is crazy that happened. I am so glad to hear that you and your friend are ok. So So glad :) You were being watched over.

Erika said...

Tacy!!! I can't believe that!! Judging by the looks of your jeep, I'm really suprised you didn't get smashed? Was it hard trying to get all of your crap out of there? I'm leaving you a comment becuase I love you and I'm glad you're ok.
P.S. Your background is really cute!!

Katy Wilson said...

Tacy. I love you. I'm glad you're alive. Why did you leave "Soup" out of the story? You should write another blog soon about him. He is a survivor too!

I feel really bad about your jeep, but I'm glad you are alive.

And that is really REALLY lame about the airbags. You should SUE and get some money for a new car!

katie said...

Those pictures are crazy! Hooray for Lincoln for keeping you safe, teehee. I love you!

Anonymous said...

This is SCAAARRRYYY! No more sleeping and driving!

I'm so glad you're alright.

Carson Kuehne said...

Airbags are only meant to deploy in head on collisions, because otherwise, they would cause more damage than anything else. So it is a good thing they didn't deploy.

Some crazy pictures. Can you get me the larger ones? I want to see all the crazy detail.

Oh, look, I posted on your blog!

Carson Kuehne said...

And to think that I had just washed that car .. . .

The Hathaways said...

Tacy I'm so glad you're okay! I cant believe you were able to get out of the car when it looks like that!!!

We're All Wright said...

I am not surprised you were both protected. You are both such good girls! We love you!

Unknown said...

Ok I cried when I saw those pictures. You scared me. DON'T DO IT AGAIN!!!!!! I love you and I am really, really, really happy you are ok!!!! xoxoxo

Erin and Devin said...

I am so glad you are ok!!!!!! I was so sad to see those pictures, but I am glad to know that you were close to home and you made it out of the car in safety!!! I miss you already!!! Please keep in touch and get feeling better!


Kevin said...

Wow. Needless to say, I'm glad you both made it out with as little injury as you did.

Crazy. Well, like I said, if you should need a ride somewheres...

Ryan said...

WOW... I was wondering what could've happened for you to have sent people a text message telling us to check your blog out... now I understand... glad you're ok!!!

Jared and Rachel Judy said...

Holy Crap Tacy! I'm glad your okay! Looking at those pictures reminded me of hearing Bro Davis talk about being the coroner!

Laura said...

OMGOSH I leave town for a couple of weeks and look what I come home to!!!! Don't do things like that again, do you hear me!!! No really Tacy I am so glad you two are OK. Wow you are so very blessed and I bet you will never leave on a trip without saying a prayer from now on.