Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Widow's Mite

This is my little sister Jessie. She loves me. Wanna know how I know she loves me?
Here's the story.

Ever since I lost the full functionality of my left arm, everyday tasks have been a little more complicated. For example, I can't put my own hair up because I can't get my arm up to my head. Jessie does this for me. She does everything for me. I can't get both hands into the sink, so even though I dirtied all the dishes Jessie does them, and so far I haven't heard her complain.
Today Jessie came to pick me up from work (seeing as I don't have a car), and she told me how excited she was because mom had bought candy bars as prizes for a game she was playing with the Young Women. Jessie said that if there was extra candy my mom would bring it home, and Jessie was really excited about this because one of the candy bars was a Milky Way, and Jessie LOVES Milky Way.

My mom came home tonight and there was a king size milky way left over!
Jessie didn't eat the candy bar right away because she wasn't 100% hungry for it, and she didn't want to eat it and not enjoy every single second of it.
She came into the kitchen when she was finally ready for her candy bar to discover that it had been opened and someone had eaten at least 3/4ths of it. There was enough Milky Way left to equal a fun size candy bar.
Jessie was a little upset but she sat down to eat it anyway.
I (because I'm mean and want to see how far I can push people) asked Jessie if I could have a bite of her one bite candy bar.
She looked at me with possibly the saddest look I've ever seen her have and she slowly shook her head up and down saying yes, she would cut her one bite in half and give me a bite.

This is how I know she loves me.

And because I love her back I didn't really take a bite.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story! I am so glad my kids get along (for the most part). I love you both!

mom said...

Ok, that anonymous was me.

Katy Wilson said...

I see that dad started a festive game of "don't eat the last bite" again...Oh dad....can't keep his hand off the candy...but he just can't bring himself to eat all of it...

Unknown said...

I actually got tears in my eyes. There is nothing that makes me happier than knowing my girls are friends and really love each other and I KNOW your mom feels the same way. I love you and your family and it makes me so happy when I see proof of all the reasons you guys are so special. :) xoxox

Jessie said...

GOOD NEWS! I got a replacement Milky Way!!!!!

ashlee jean said...

tace you are so freaking precious!

We're All Wright said...

I ditto what Jamie said!!! I decided I was going to go get a milky way and send it until I read Jessie's good news post. I guess it would cost twice as much to send it from Washington as to buy it but I love you and at least thought about it!!!