Saturday, July 18, 2009


# 64 in my book: 2,001 Things to do Before You Die (which I made reference to in this blog) is "Eat Alligator"

Well after tonight I can check #64 off the list!

My friends Lydia, Jason, Carson, and I went to BJ'S Bayou in Robert's Idaho where we ate alligator tail!

Honestly it tasted like chicken!
Hmmm...what if they gave us chicken and just told us it was alligator (head-scratching).

Anyway...the place was kind of weird but fun all at the same time.
We were the only ones there and the waitress basically sat with us the whole time, it was strange.
Nevertheless I ate alligator!!


Katy Wilson said...

hmmm...i can't believe you were so cooperative to eat alligator...but not deer! deer is semi normal!

mo said...

I didn't know you won't eat deer? Is it because you picture bambi the whole time? But that doesn't make sense because when you each ham you don't think of Wilbur the pig. Oh well...I am glad you got to mark this one off your list.

Jessie said...

I can't believe you ate it either!

Lyd said...

It because eating deer isn't on the list. ;) haha

Joanne said...

My sister Cindy also claims that alligator tastes like chicken. I've never tried it. Oh, and Kendall made me make some goolosh the other day with deer meat in it instead of hamburger; I barely survived one bowl of it.