Well my faithful blog readers...It's almost been a year since I conformed to the blogspot ways!
I want to thank everyone who has read and enjoyed my blog this past year!( I guess I could also thank those who don't enjoy my blog but read it anyway)
I'll even thank those who didn't comment even when they read!
Here are some highlights from 132 blogs.
I hope you have as much fun re-reading them as I did.
Darn Those Storm Drains!
I Can't Think Of A Title
Broken Chair
On A Lighter Note
Don't Speak
A Couple Cookies Short of a Platter
Get Over It
Where For Art Thou Chivalry
Most Commented: You're Just Not My 'Type'
Least Commented: Words of Wisdom
Ok-one more thing! I was re reading all these blogs to see which were my favorites and I came across this I Have A Dream... blog. It was funny because last night I had a dream that Ryan Lochte and I were at a pool and he was getting ready to swim but the water was too cold. I was trying to tell the janitor that the water was too cold but he didn't understand me because I didn't speak Chinese. So I asked my friend Jason who was in my dream to translate for me because he knew Chinese and he refused to translate and just rolled his eyes with his hands in his pockets. (because I'm sure most of you didn't follow the link to the I have a dream blog, I'll just tell you that I had a previous dream with Ryan Lochte and things were messed up because I didn't speak Chinese)
I want to thank everyone who has read and enjoyed my blog this past year!( I guess I could also thank those who don't enjoy my blog but read it anyway)
I'll even thank those who didn't comment even when they read!
Here are some highlights from 132 blogs.
I hope you have as much fun re-reading them as I did.
Darn Those Storm Drains!
I Can't Think Of A Title
Broken Chair
On A Lighter Note
Don't Speak
A Couple Cookies Short of a Platter
Get Over It
Where For Art Thou Chivalry
Most Commented: You're Just Not My 'Type'
Least Commented: Words of Wisdom
Ok-one more thing! I was re reading all these blogs to see which were my favorites and I came across this I Have A Dream... blog. It was funny because last night I had a dream that Ryan Lochte and I were at a pool and he was getting ready to swim but the water was too cold. I was trying to tell the janitor that the water was too cold but he didn't understand me because I didn't speak Chinese. So I asked my friend Jason who was in my dream to translate for me because he knew Chinese and he refused to translate and just rolled his eyes with his hands in his pockets. (because I'm sure most of you didn't follow the link to the I have a dream blog, I'll just tell you that I had a previous dream with Ryan Lochte and things were messed up because I didn't speak Chinese)
Happy Birthday, Tacy's Blog! See you in a few days Tacy!
I love your blog. I am your biggest fan!!
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