Friday, April 24, 2009

Where For Art Thou... Chivalry

Is chivalry dead?
I've asked myself this question many times and I think I've finally found the answer.
Chivalry isn't dead, it is "taken".
I'll explain below.

Today in one of my classes we read a poem about how cute little old men hold their wives purses for them. Then my teacher asked how many guys in our class would hold their wives purse for them. Only three guys raised their hands.
(of the three, two were married)
I walked into a study area today and almost all the chairs were taken, a good looking guy quickly jumped up from his seat and insisted I sit down. Quite chivalrous right? I did what any normal single girl in this situation would do, looked at his wedding ring finger. What adorned that finger? A silver band.
I was sitting on a chair waiting for a class to start and my backpack (resting in my lap) fell. Before I even knew what had happened a guy was out of his chair picking up my backpack. His wedding ring was kinda cool. It was pewter-ish looking and twisty.
I was walking into a building the other day and before I could reach for the door another hand opened the door, it was a guy, this guy had a wedding ring, this guy said, "Ladies first!"

I'm sure my point is obvious.

Chivalry exists but a single girl looking for a chivalrous man is out of luck.
I don't know how many times I've seen a guy let the door close with a girl one step behind him.
I don't know how many times I've seen a guy walk by after a girl had dropped something without stopping to help her.
Countless times I've walked into a standing-room-only room and seen girls stand while guys sat.
I've even had guy friends ask me to pick up their tab at a restaurant.
Not too chivalrous right.

So guys, if you want to find a girl, just show some chivalry.
See if it helps the single situation at all.


Sarah Harward said...

I love this post. You could write a column in a paper or something!

mom said...

I had the exact thought as should write an opinion column in a newspaper. In fact, why don't you submit this post to the campus paper (even as a letter to the editor). It is a great piece!

Mary said...

I love reading your blogs. You really have a fun way with words. I agree you should get it published. I thinks sometimes girls don't allow men to be Chivalous. They jump out of the car or open a door without giving a boy a chance, If you are still sitting in the car or standing out side the door as the man you are with moves on, He will eventually turn around and come back for you, Then with a big smile you say. " Oh thank you so much for opening the door for me" Ta DA he will never forget again.

katie said...

I had a guy offer to hold my purse while I was trying to start the bonfire last night! And he's not married, so that's a chivalry win, but a boyscout fail, haha.

JHayes said...

Another cultural casualty brought to you today by bra burning feminists,and political correctness.
Good Luck in school!

P.S. I agree with your mom, you should send that post in as a letter to the editor, just for fun. It was good.

A little Birdie... said...

The reason married men are that way? Because their wives whipped them into shape! But your right, it wouldn't hurt them at all to be corteous (Yeah, I can't spell). Amen sister!

And I think you should submit this to the scroll! It would be the best piece yet!

Lyd said...

I agree Tace! You totally need to turn this into the scroll!! It would be a hit! People would totally respond to it! :D

And I totally agree with you on your thoughts. One of the reasons why some guys are married are because they are chivalrous, allowing them to catch the girl. Or it's like what Cory was saying, their wives have taught them the correct way. I will admit that I am fine with opening my own car door, but it's nice to have a guy open it for you every once in a while. It shows that they truly care. I only know a couple guys (that are not married) I would call chivalrous, and they are amazing guys, other than that, they are just your normal run of the mill guys of today. So yes, guys need to step it up a notch. It's more attractive anyway.

Unknown said...

I've said that over and over you need to be published!! I also agree that the reason the married guys do it is their wives have done a great job of training them. I do have some cousins though (a family of 7 boys) who were trained very well by their parents to be very chivalrous. I use to this it was funny when I was a teen, kinda old fashioned but when my hubby lets the door slam in my face I think if I had expected it from the beginning I wouldn't be grumbling now. lol