Monday, June 29, 2009

The Magic That Is Me

I know that more often than not I write blogs that make me seem like the most narcissistic person in the world.
Really I'm not! I, like most girls and even some men I presume, am incredibly insecure and self-conscious so I tell myself (and everyone else) they should love me!

Well today I took a quiz on facebook that professed to tell me my best "trait". It was Joyfullness and this was the description it gave me:

You light up a room with your smile and laughter, and people gravitate to you because of your joyfulness. You love life and get excited about all it has to offer. You love to cheer people up and give them encouragement when they are down. Your bubbly personality and genuine smile brighten up peoples' day. Your positive attitude helps lighten up those who take life too seriously. You know how to have fun, let loose, be spontaneous. Be it life's greatest experiences or just the small simple details of life, you soak it all up and it inspires everyone around you...

Even though it was a stupid facebook thing I felt like it really did describe me! I've had my roommates and other friends lately tell me that almost word for word!
I say it all the time, but I LOVE making people happy! I love making people smile!
It BUGS me when there is someone who refuses to let me make them happy! It kind of makes me feel like I'm failing in some way! Like my job is to go around spreading joy and happiness and if I can't make everyone smile I lose the game!
So my friend Jason read my blog (even though I have told him MILLIONS of times he can't read my blog without leaving a comment) and he thought one of my blogs had to do with him. Well if you want me to name names Jason, I can!
It BUGS me that I can't make you smile! For some reason I'm always drawn to these guys who I can't make smile (michael haas anyone??) and I refuse to let them go until they realize how amazing I am!
There you have it! I won't leave you alone until you realize how amazing I am!


mom said...

I don't think it is a game and you shouldn't take it so personally. Not everyone has the same sense of humor as you. Maybe some people can be happy without having to be laughing and joking all the time. Sorry, I am not in a very good mood today, but I love you anyway!

tacy said...

I'm not saying everyone has to think I'm hilarious (even though I am ;) I just don't understand grumpy bitter people who can't even smile!

tacy said...

and I understand that people have their days where they just don't want to smile (it happens to ALL of us) but I know this lady (who looks like an iguana) and for some reason my happiness bugs her! She refuses to let me share my happiness with her and it, in turn, bugs me!

mom said...

Kind of like a former seminary teacher who shall remain nameless?

tacy said...

you got it!

Katy Wilson said...

I agree that sometimes people just don't want to be happy...they just get in a funk and can't get out...I just came out of my funk a few days ago. I don't know that my problem was. I didn't laugh, nothing was funny, I didn't want to talk to anybody and I was mad at everything anybody did. Now I know what the problem was. You weren't there. Good thing you will be here soon!

Lyd said...

Agreed with everything. And I have a certain belief on why people get into certain funks, I went through one for a while, which made me come to this realization. I would share, but I don't want it to be taken in the wrong light. :)