Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Couple Cookies Short Of A Platter

I needed to get something out of my car today and I hadn't yet attempted to get into it after the ice mess.  I headed outside armed with a can of De-Icer and went to work.
I sprayed in all the hinges of the doors, trying to get at least one open.  I sprayed all 4 and cleared the ice away as far as I could tell and kept pulling at the handle and I swear I was about to rip the handle off the door I was pulling so hard.
I went inside to let the car sit for a sec, maybe it needed a rest.
As I was on my way back out the door I spotted my keys and decided to do a little trick I heard about once.  The trick? Unlock the doors, then try and open it.
I'm an idiot.


Anonymous said...

Oh well . . . we all have such moments!

Kevin said...


Katy Wilson said...


Jessie said...

your a nerd!

Unknown said...

HA HA HA HA ok that is hilarious!!