Friday, June 19, 2009

You Can Stand Under My Umbrella.....For Now

I've got a personal space bubble. I don't hug. I don't give or receive massages. I'll never ask you to scratch my back and if you ask me to scratch yours I'll respectfully decline. I don't like touching people and I don't like them touching me.
For some reason lately I've just wanted to give people a big hug. Not a little hug, a big hold for a few seconds hug.
Plus I heard somewhere that hugs help lower your blood pressure decreasing your risk of heart disease. I don't want heart disease.
I've also wanted to "snuggle" with someone. I snuggled with someone once in my lifetime and I'm pretty sure I could snuggle with someone again, it'd just have to be the right person (and by right person I don't mean I need to be in love to snuggle, snuggling is so non-committal! I mean I'd have to be comfortable snuggling with that person. I can't snuggle with a twig!)
So if you are within hugging distance of me I'd invite you to let me give you a hug.
This bubble might not have this hole in it for very long so act quickly.
And if any gentlemen would let me snuggle with them so I can fill my snuggle void that'd be awesome! I wouldn't even read anything into it like some girls would.
Hugs are like emotional Heimlich's.
Someone puts their arms around you and they give you a squeeze and all your fear and anxiety come shooting out of your mouth in a big wet wad and you can breath again.
-Chuck from Pushing Daisies


Jessie said...

I would give you a hug.. but... im to far away!

mom said...

Oh, Tacy...I would love to give you a hug!:(

Katy Wilson said...

I don't want you skank touching me.

I miss pushing daisies...

Lyd said...

TACY!!! I've been wanting a hug too!!!! Not from my parent or siblings and maybe some cousins for that matter (because I can always hug them) but just someone!!! It totally had that feeling the other day. Any right now for that matter!! My arms are hurting because I want a hug. Man, and I'm home alone so I don't have any human contact. I guess a pillow is the best thing that I will get. Or one of my cats.

And I love that quote!!! SO CUTE!