Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Which Movies Describes Your Life Best?!

I think I've tripped and fallen into a, "He's Just Not That Into You" situation.

I can't tell really though. Which is what the movie is basically about; some poor girl can't tell if guys are into her and Bam! we have a movie.
What is worse is that I have my amazing roommates (who all seem to think I'M amazing) saying, "Give him time!" and "I promise I saw him looking at you!" and "You are so cute he has to notice you!" and "Oh my gosh! He sat by you and not by me, that means he HAS to be interested!"
I am bitter.

But you know what, I'm not so much bitter at the "him" in this situation as I am at the presence of a situation at all. I am happy with just having a friend. I don't ask for the stupid smiling at the mention of his name. It cramps my style!

Is it possible that I have found the first male crockpot? (you know the phrase 'men are microwaves, women are crockpots?)

Maybe he is just as shy as I am. Perhaps he is trying to gage my interest in him.
Haha! Look at me making excuses! That is the definition of Lame.

Whatever! I guess having a crush is good. I was watching this show about sex appeal (I know I know... don't give me crap about it! It was VERY interesting) and it said when we have a crush our hair grows and our nails grow because extra endorphins are being released into the body to make us "more attractive". So I might not get my first kiss (I know I know... don't give me crap about that either!) but I will get healthier nails and my hair will grow.
(which is kinda handy cause I just cut my hair and the lady cut it a little too short)

ps: to my blogging friends who plan on commenting, which should be everyone, if I have ever mentioned the name of said "crush" to you don't use it in your comment. that is just bad looking out

pps: I still think my hair looks really good in my picture and I'm a little sad I cut it even though a lot of people have told me it is cute


Lyd said...

These types of things suck!! I totally know!! I'm not quite sure what to say exactly. One this is, is not to think too much into things. Everyone does it, but it will either get your hopes up or down. And I should take my own advice because I do this just about everyday!! haha (But my situation is a little different than your...if you know what I'm talkin about. ;) ) I've been in this boat many a times. But hey, we can talk about it more in person in a couple days!! (As in, is it cool if I crash in your room on Thurs!?) haha

I'll totally back you up about the sex appeal special. It was very interesting!!! I want to see it again! And I didn't know that your hair and nails grew because of that!! Maybe that's why my nails have been so nice!! haha

tacy said...

I should have put a side note on my blog: I don't have too many emotions invested in this, it is more of a nuisance than anything else really. The problem comes in the wondering. As soon as I get the confirmed, he's not into you I will be just fine but the looming possibility is always annoying.

Katy Wilson said...

1. boys suck...
2. it sucks to have crushes on boys because it only works out in the long run once...if ever..
3. think posatively...i know first had it is worse to have a boy like you that you don't like than it is to like a boy you don't like...that sounds weird and probalby most don't agree with me...but in my situation it was true
4. concentrate on something else...like making a quilt, or become really good at one thing...like master the art of (insert seomthing cool here)...think of how much fun it will be to have me there in about a week!

mom said...

I remember not too long ago you had a major crush on someone...for several years in fact...and just recently came to the realization that he wasn't all that you thought he was (does this ring a bell). Don't obsess over it too much and don't be pushy. If it is supposed to happen, it will (I know, you hear that all the time). But things like this don't have to happen in a certain time frame. And always remember, for the most part, guys are shallow and don't care to look too deeply into personality...even though you are the most amazing girl in the world!

Jessie said...

Well i dont have a paragraph of information for you. But i am sorry.

Jamoman said...

If hair is a result of having crushes i must be the crush king (this is your cousin by the way). Thanks to katy for the quilting advice, i'm gonna get right on that, ha ha