Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sorry To Disappoint

In response to my mom's comment on my last blog:
"...I hope you are as worried about your school work as you seem to be about men/women relationships lately."
I just thought I'd let you know that no, I am not as worried about my school work.
It is terrible I know but every high school/college senior has known the feeling.
And I wouldn't say I'm "worried" about men/women relationships, but they have been occupying my thoughts lately. Probably because I'm about to graduate from "BYU-I Do".
Is it possible for a girl to complete four years at BYU-Idaho without a single date?
the answer: yes.
I don't know how I achieved it, but I did.
It isn't the end of the world, and I obviously haven't melted or internally combusted or anything but it is still kind of weird.
I hate to toot my own horn (that's a lie) but I think I'd be a fun date! I know how to keep a conversation going and I think I know how to have fun.
Too bad no one at BYU-Idaho will ever find out.
Well I guess that isn't entirely true...there are still twenty something more days left until I can officially claim to have graduated 100% dateless, but who is kidding who here?
That is IF I graduate. If I keep "worrying" about men/women relationships and keep not worrying about school I might find myself another semester to find a date.
I swear if I get a single comment that says something to the effect of "don't base your academic success on the amount of dates you've gone on" or "don't 'worry' about it, I still love you" I'll scream. Now that I think about it I probably shouldn't have posted this blog, but what is done is done! Please don't confuse my blog as a plea for sympathy. I don't need sympathy! Perfectly amazing girls go years dateless all the time! Right?


Laura said...

BYU-Ido, Laughed my but off!!!

Jessie said...

Good to know!

mom said...

You are perfectly right! Don't forget...the two people you love the most never dated until AFTER they were engaged!

Katy Wilson said...

Don't base your academic success on the amount of dates you've gone on...just don't worry about it... I still love you

Lyd said...

hahah Look at your family go! haha

Dude, Tacy, you would be a freaking amazing date!! Guys don't know what they're missing out on!! Boo hiss to them. Poop faces. And I think that you should fail some classes so you can be here another semester!! ;D haha Oh, and yes, "perfectly amazing girls [DO] go years dateless all the time!" I was one of them. ;) haha Last semester was a TOTAL fluke!

Anonymous said...

i'll date you. i'll even plan and pay for it. just no kissing.