Thursday, July 9, 2009


Grody: (gro-dy) nasty, dirty, disgusting, foul, revolting, yucky; slang from grotesque

I was reading a beauty magazine (don't read them...they'll only make you feel ugly! confused? refer to my last blog) and came across an article about being grody.

The magazine polled about 1,000 women and asked them questions about their hygiene.

Here is one that really grossed me out:

Have You Ever Peed In The Shower?
more than 75% of women polled admit to it
"Let's start with a few facts: toilet flushing accounts for almost 27% of indoor water use in a home. The amount used per flush ranged from a gallon in eco-friendly model to a whopping seven in older types. Where are we going with this? We beseech you: Save water! Save the planet! Pee in the shower! OK, we won't insist, but it isn't really that gross. Unless you have an infection, urine is sterile and nontoxic. Proponents of "urine therapy" even believe it can help treat athlete's foot. Heck, Dr. Billy freely admits that he is a shamless shower squirter."

ok... I have had this discussion with friends in the past and I think I am the only one who finds this disgusting! I guess guys do it on a regular (is that true male readers?) but for girls it seems that much more grody.
What do you think?


Lyd said...

I have to agree with the article on this one Tace. I'm not a regular shower pee-er, but I will go pee in the shower if it comes to it. I really don't see the problem. All you have to do is rinse off and wash. It's all good. It's better than just wiping. Much more clean. haha This is where the Biffy comes in for the toilet. (

Have you never seen the Seinfeld episode about peeing in the shower?! Here is an excerpt from that episode, The Wife:

GEORGE: Aha. Aha. Could it be because you don't want him to know that you have a friend who pees in the shower, is that it?!

ELAINE: No, that's not it!

GEORGE: Oh, I think it is! I think that's exactly what it is!

ELAINE: Why couldn't you just wait?

GEORGE: I was there! I saw a drain!

ELAINE: Since when is a drain a toilet?!

GEORGE: It's all pipes! What's the difference?!

ELAINE: Different pipes go to different places! You're gonna mix 'em up!

GEORGE: I'll call a plumber right now! (Goes for the phone.)

JERRY: Alright, can we just drop all the pee-pipe stuff here?

mom said...


Katy Wilson said...

I have never peed in the shower...not becuase I wouldn't...I just haven't

tacy said...

haha Lyd! I love it! and I agree mom!

ashlee jean said...

just cause it's sterile doesnt make it any less nasty...pee is pee.

ps: my roommates and i had this conversation before too...about being in the's true that 75% of girls do...icky.

Lyd said...

I guess I'm just the gross type. haha

Jason said...

First thing I thought of was Seinfeld, "Its all pipes!"
I don't really have a problem with it. It sounds worse than it really is.

tacy said...

but guys can at least aim toward the drain! I don't just seems gross but admittedly it does seem more convenient, but I still won't do it.

Lyd said...

Went to the temple today...needed to shower after being baptized, and I totally held it, even though I had the fullest bladder in the world. Now that would have been wrong. If I was home on the other hand.....;) HAHHAAH k. New blog before everyone thinks I'm the sickest person on this earth.

tacy said...

HAHA!! Lyd you CRACK ME UP!!

Katy Wilson said...

Ha ha lydia...that is hilarious...I think even if i peed in the shower i might hold it in in the temple.

congrats tacy on 10 (now 11) comments...I haven't had a good one like this for a while...

Jessie said...

That is gross.