I want a hug.
Not because I'm in a bad mood because at this moment my mood seems to be ok, but instead of craving food (which I should be because I went grocery shopping all of once this semester-I told myself I'd only eat when I went on a date...and we see how well that turned out- jk but I did only go grocery shopping once this semester ) like a normal human being would be, I am craving a hug!
That is all.
And you know what is the next best thing if you can't give me a hug? A comment :)
This is for you Jake ;)

Sexy arms AND sexy face!
much better!
I tried to paste a picture of a hug here, but I couldn't make it work...so here is my hug for you:
I wish I could be there to give you a hug. Or my friend Ray even. He's a good hug giver. :)
You know who is a REALLY REALLY good hugger...my roomate Jillians brother Michael. He hugged me goodbye one time and you would of thought we were long time friends. I tried to pull away twice and he just held on strong!
Very luscious picture too...but not as good as the one in Ashlies room...which I will take a picture of and send to you...
HAHAHAHA I just got you title!!
haha! I thought you'd like that Lyd!
and you know who else is a great hugger? Justin! He doesn't even have to ask, he knows when you need a hug and he'll give you one! he is great!
tace...i said the guy that told me that was NOT the same guy from an earlier story. funny enough...the guy that was telling me this doesn't even have a job.
I could send you a necklace that says HUG. Or I could just send one that says Tacy and you can pretend it is me giving you a hug every time you wear it. :) xoxoxo
i would hug you if i was around but I guess a cyber hug will just have to do. Oh and zack efron is so freakin hott! lol does that make me a cougar?
well i just happened to stumble upon your blog (ok really i saw the link on your facebook). and what do i have to say?? very enjoyable reading... your posts are priceless! haha. and yes, i'm a blogger too. congrats on graduating!
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