Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Have You Seen My Sanity?

 I want to take the time to apologize to my mom and dad right now.  They have been my outlet lately and it really isn't fair for them to have to listen to my banter.  So instead my blog readers will get to listen (err... read) my banter.

Am I wrong in being stressed about the upcoming elections?  I think it is tragic the amount of apathy that has cursed this country.  The younger generation (my generation) seem to not care about anything. Am I wrong to care about who is going to be the next man (yep, sorry Hilary lovers it is going to be a man) to run our country?
Maybe I'm not giving my generation enough credit.  After all, I did hear a guy my age at work encourage some newly-of-age-voters to register and let their voice be heard.

During the last Presidential elections I was amazed to find that I was in the minority by being one of the people who pray about who to vote for.  One excuse given me for not praying about it was, "He will make happen what needs to happen anyway so why worry about it?"  Well why pray about anything then?  If He will really make happen what needs to happen then why pray about anything? No politician is "good" but isn't there a lesser of two "evils"? Isn't there one that would be better then the other in the grand scheme of things, provided you believe in a grand scheme of things.  And if you personally don't care about it then why not pray for the welfare of your countryman? Who would be the best president for them?

There is also the, "My vote doesn't really matter" excuse. 
Sure we don't have a popular vote (sorry Al) so it looks like your vote doesn't matter but come on.  Cliche as it is someone has to vote so why not make it you?
I am a McCain supporter in an Obama loving state and guess who is still going to put her McCain ticket in for counting on Tuesday November 4th.  
(that would be me)
Guess who is going to be watching the TV hoping for her state to be an upset to the Democratic campaign and turn Republican after an eternity of Democratic-ness.
(again, that is me)
Guess who is going to vote just to show that she does care. That she does understand the things that are being talked about. Who is going to vote for McCain even though she has predicted for a while that the damage George W. did on the GOP was going to be terminal, and that the country won't see a Republican president again for a while?
(in case you didn't get it earlier, the answer for all of these rhetorical questions is me)

So why not vote? Has our country become so lazy that we can't take one day every four years to move our butts to a polling place?
I'm blabbing.  I'm not making any sense. I'm typing in the heat of my stress.  So what I'm saying seems to be useless ramble but I really do care.
I want people to look at the issues and decide for them who the best candidate is.
Not Kanye West's opinion.  Not Jon Voight's opinion. Not your parents opinion.  Not my opinion.  Your own opinion.

I'm done for now.
I apologize


Anonymous said...

You go girl!

I'll definitely be voting.

Anonymous said...

whoops, that was me

Anonymous said...

Tacy, I am so proud! (Just kidding...I only put that cause you told me not to.)
Seriously, I agree whole heartedly with you. It is important to take advantage of our right to vote, just because we DO have the right! And as far as praying for who to vote for...you are not the only one! And 1 more thing - don't ever apologize for expressing your opinion. There is nothing to apologize for!

Unknown said...

Don't apologize! You Rock! (while you're in this mood, make sure Sage is registered will ya? lol)

Katy Wilson said...

1. i registered to vote in the az
2. once again a good poly sci degree going to waste