Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Good-Bye Laverne, Hello Lincoln

(imagine you'll be in my heart music)
Come stop your crying
It will be all right
Just take my hand Hold it tight 
I will protect you
from all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry 
For one so small,
you seem so strong
My arms will hold you,
keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here
Don't you cry 
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more 
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always 
Well I guess this is where I say goodbye to my trusty old friend Laverne.
This is hard for me because I keep EVERYTHING so getting rid of something so big is tough.
I have a great button collection (see below) on Laverne's ceiling so I'm not sure what I'm going to do with all those buttons.
It'll be hard to say goodbye and sell her but it was necessary.
If anyone knows anything looking for a car let me know : )

I guess this is the time where I introduce Lincoln to the world.
(before you say anything Katy and Tuna I have insisted that mom and dad buy a new car before I get a new car and they both agree I needed one first and there was no talking them out of it so don't try and make me feel bad)

Lincoln is a 2005 Jeep Liberty.
(his name came after a lot of thought. Firstly: he is a liberty and Lincoln fought for the liberty/freedom of the slaves, Secondly: his color is Patriot Blue and I think Lincoln was a patriot, Thirdly: Lincoln was a great president and during election time I keep thinking about Lincoln, Fourthly: Lincoln was from this wonderful state *sidenote, Bill O'Riley said Illinois was the most corrupt state in the union today, it was funny* Fifthly: Lincoln Burrows is a sexy sexy man on Prison Break)
I know that isn't an amazing picture but It works.

This blog isn't as fun as I wanted it to be.
It should be fun because Lincoln is my new car and I'm SUPER excited about it.
How can I spice up this blog....

Ok, I think that helps express my excitement

I can't think of a title

This morning I was eating a bowl of cereal when I saw what looked like a praying mantis on the ceiling in the kitchen.  I casually called my dad in to come get it. I wasn't too freaked out or anything, it was just a praying mantis.
He tried to grab it but it flew away from him and behind me.  He kept trying to grab it and then all of a sudden I felt it's claws of death latch onto my poor arm.  I screamed and pleaded for my life.  I felt it move into my hair and I kept screaming.
My dad retrieved it from my hair and I went on eating my cereal.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Mower, The Snake, The Mud

I needed to update my blog so here is my morning:

I mow sometimes at work. My mower is cute little green John Deere #24 named JJ (John Junior)
Today I was assigned to mow the ditches along the roads and was told it was kinda muddy so watch out. (mowers are notorious for getting stuck in the mud)
As I was mowing I came upon a snake. In a previous blog you learned of my hatred for snakes, so imagine my fear. (i was trying to tell myself that I was much bigger then the snake and could over power the thing if I had to, but then I told myself "wait a shake!!!!! David beat Goliath, size has NOTHING to do with it") I had visions of mowing it over and snake guts flying everywhere and hitting me in the head, I'm sure my flesh would melt away and I'd die right there because I ran over the snake. So I sat there, scared that it was going to turn and fly up and bite me. The snake finally slithered it's way into the corn field and I was on my way.
I started mowing some other ditches and as I got halfway down the length of the ditch I realized there was water in the ditch. I started backing up so as to not get myself stuck but needless to say I did get stuck. I assessed the situation and decided to get off the mower and call for help (today of all days I didn't bring my cell phone to work). At this point I was thinking things couldn't get any worse, but then the clouds opened up and God said "I hate you Tacy!" I took a step off the mower and my foot slipped and I FELL off the mower. Yep, hands and knees in the mud.
I finally gathered myself and called for help. My rescuer, hero, knight in shining armor (call him what you will) noticed that my tire was flat so I had to go back and fill up the air in my tire. When I got back to the compound I noticed I had TONS of little bugs on me from going under the trees on JJ.
OK, my story dosen't have a good conclusion. I kept mowing, hit a few spider webs, got some funny looks as I sang at the top of my lungs, and went to lunch.

Monday, September 15, 2008

It's Gettin' Dirty

Round #2
(for round #1 see Sept 2nd's Blog)

I came home to find this in my kitchen. No longer was the centimeter section of cookie in the pan. My mom or dad (not sure who just yet) lovingly put it on a plate atop a fancy cake server thingy so I'd lose the game again. Well guess what! I'm not giving in this time. Two can play this game!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Broken Chair

I'm a fan of art, who knew that there was this awesome sculpture in Geneva Switzerland? Anyway... it fits with my blog today so enjoy.
Because I mainly work outside when it is raining there isn't much to be done. Luckily it is almost fall and we need to take cuttings of the plants so we have something to plant next year. My dad and Sage and I were all working on taking cuttings. I was sitting on one side of a table making labels and checking names off lists and my dad was taking cuttings and sage was trimming the plant when my dad was done. I got ahead of my dad so I decided to lean back in my folding chair. Somehow I got off balance and was balancing on the back left leg which didn't hold up very well on account of my size.
I felt myself going down as if it was slow motion.
My dad started laughing and Sage started laughing.
This is how she described my face (which she laughed about for the next 30mins).
"it was like you were a little girl and you had done something wrong and didn't want to get in trouble. I just wanted to say, 'don't cry, it is okay Tacy'."
I think the best part of the whole incident was that I was saying "Treguna, Mekoides, Trecorum Satis Dee" the lyrics from the bedknobs and broomsticks song Substitutiary Locomotion.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hide And Pray For No Seek

I'm sure we've all uttered the phrase Oly Oly Oxen free while playing hide and seek during our youth. It is often yelled so everyone will come out of their hiding places.
Well after using it as my subject last time I looked up the origin.
I'm beginning to think that every rhyme intended for children has dark origins.
Ring Around the Rosie=The Black Plague
London Bridges=Something morbid with locking kids up
Oly Oly Oxen Free= Etymologists suspect it is a childish corruption of the German "Alle, alle auch sind frei!", (literally, "Everyone, everyone also is free!"), which is purported to have been a cruel joke often played upon Holocaust victims by their jailers. At any particular time, a prisoner might be released, immediately upon which the phrase would be shouted. Any other prisoners who also left would be killed further down the road by Nazi soldiers.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Oly Oly Oxen Free

#1: How did that phrase get started?
#2: I, like many people, love comments on my blog. I have received a few comments in person and I happen to know that some people read my blog and don't comment. So I'm saying, "Come out come out wherever you are!" and comment. You don't have to have a clever comment, you can just leave your name if you want to. I have made anonymous comments available but those are lame. You don't have to have a blog to comment just write your name in the name/url section and hit submit.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

On A Lighter Note

We play this little game in my house called "Don't Be The Last To Eat...".  Of course I've named it that all on my own but we all play it.  Someone makes a batch of brownies, or cookies, perhaps even a cake and the object of the game is to not have the last bite.  Why do we do this? No one knows. But I came home from work today to find this remaining of the brownies I made the other day. Very proficient people have come along and taken the last brownie apart sliver by sliver so as to not be the one to east the last bite. 
Good luck on the next round of "Don't Be The Last To Eat..." family, because I ate the last bite! 

Have You Seen My Sanity?

 I want to take the time to apologize to my mom and dad right now.  They have been my outlet lately and it really isn't fair for them to have to listen to my banter.  So instead my blog readers will get to listen (err... read) my banter.

Am I wrong in being stressed about the upcoming elections?  I think it is tragic the amount of apathy that has cursed this country.  The younger generation (my generation) seem to not care about anything. Am I wrong to care about who is going to be the next man (yep, sorry Hilary lovers it is going to be a man) to run our country?
Maybe I'm not giving my generation enough credit.  After all, I did hear a guy my age at work encourage some newly-of-age-voters to register and let their voice be heard.

During the last Presidential elections I was amazed to find that I was in the minority by being one of the people who pray about who to vote for.  One excuse given me for not praying about it was, "He will make happen what needs to happen anyway so why worry about it?"  Well why pray about anything then?  If He will really make happen what needs to happen then why pray about anything? No politician is "good" but isn't there a lesser of two "evils"? Isn't there one that would be better then the other in the grand scheme of things, provided you believe in a grand scheme of things.  And if you personally don't care about it then why not pray for the welfare of your countryman? Who would be the best president for them?

There is also the, "My vote doesn't really matter" excuse. 
Sure we don't have a popular vote (sorry Al) so it looks like your vote doesn't matter but come on.  Cliche as it is someone has to vote so why not make it you?
I am a McCain supporter in an Obama loving state and guess who is still going to put her McCain ticket in for counting on Tuesday November 4th.  
(that would be me)
Guess who is going to be watching the TV hoping for her state to be an upset to the Democratic campaign and turn Republican after an eternity of Democratic-ness.
(again, that is me)
Guess who is going to vote just to show that she does care. That she does understand the things that are being talked about. Who is going to vote for McCain even though she has predicted for a while that the damage George W. did on the GOP was going to be terminal, and that the country won't see a Republican president again for a while?
(in case you didn't get it earlier, the answer for all of these rhetorical questions is me)

So why not vote? Has our country become so lazy that we can't take one day every four years to move our butts to a polling place?
I'm blabbing.  I'm not making any sense. I'm typing in the heat of my stress.  So what I'm saying seems to be useless ramble but I really do care.
I want people to look at the issues and decide for them who the best candidate is.
Not Kanye West's opinion.  Not Jon Voight's opinion. Not your parents opinion.  Not my opinion.  Your own opinion.

I'm done for now.
I apologize

Monday, September 1, 2008


This is an update to my previous blog so read it first.
My dad informed me that as he was in the greenhouse previously mentioned watering this morning he noticed that the culprit of my horror had slithered it's way on top of one of the tables of flowers. He put on some gloves and grabbed it and walked it down to the creek and threw it is. My exaggeration of "huge" was not an exaggeration at all. It was about 2.5 inches wide and about three feet long. That is huge.

Guns & Snakes

For those who don't know that I'm fat.... I am fat. Because I am fat my arms are HUGE! I am always self conscious about my arms and usually wear 3/4 length sleeves to cover my upper arm because from my elbow down is fine.  Yesterday I was in a huge hurry to get to church so I grabbed a shirt out of my closet that I discovered didn't cover my upper arms like I would like it to.
I got to the second hour of church and sat down with my primary class (5 boys).  I noticed two of the boys on my right side were looking at me and whispering with a sly little smile on their faces.  I couldn't figure out what they were whispering about so I said, "Gabriel, what is so funny?" And he looked at me and said, "Look at your muscle! You must be strong! Like a superhero."  And I said, "I wish it was muscle." And Xan cupped his hands around my upper arm and said, "Yeah, it doesn't feel like muscle, what is it?"  
It was really funny.
I work on a grounds crew which sometimes requires Sunday watering.  I was watering a greenhouse yesterday while my dad was watering some plants outside.  As I walked down one of the isles to water I heard something behind me move on the gravel.  I quickly turned around to see a huge black tail move in the plants under the table.  Thinking it was a raccoon or something (raccoons are vicious) I screamed, dropped the hose and ran outside.  My dad told me he would finish watering inside after I told him there was an animal with a huge tail chasing me (a little exaggeration but who cares).  We went inside and I showed him the table I saw the tail under.  He watered under the table hoping something would come running out but nothing moved so he chalked it up to my huge imagination.  As we were getting ready to leave I heard something squealing like a small animal caught in a trap.  My dad got a stick and started investigation the noise that came from under the table where I saw the tail.  Needless to say he found my tail.  It was attached to a HUGE Black Racer Snake (pictured below not the actual snake but a black racer snake).  
Scary? Yes! Will I go back into that greenhouse without seeing the dead black snake on a pole of some sort? No!