Sunday, May 31, 2009

If I Could Write Out My Own Dreams....

First things first, Before you can commence with the reading of this blog you need to go to my little "My Playlist" thingy on the right colomn and listen to Sweet Dream by Greg Laswell (it's #10)- It has everything to do with my blog.

Ok- You had better be listening or have listened to Sweet Dream. If not do it now!
Ok- for real now:

I am a dreamer. No not a visionary! I have amazing dreams and can recall my dream almost every night. Not just recall it to the point where I say, "you were in my dream but I don't remember why". I remember details very vividly. My dreams are usually pretty long too.
I have often joked (and if you have never heard me joke about this don't call me a liar, you've just never heard me joke about it) that the reason I go to sleep at night is so I can have a dream.

Well.... the other day in class I was sharing my dream with my group and this guy told me all about the new work psychologists are doing with dreams. (he is a psychology major)
He told me all about dream lucidity. Then he directed me to
Basically he said we can have about 8 dreams per night and we are often lucky to remember just one. But we can train our brain to remember ALL of our dreams AND have lucid dreams!
I'm totally trying this out! Dream control has always been at the top of my list of things to do!

Before you can have lucid dreams you need to "master" dream recall.
Basically you keep a dream journal. Mine is right by my bed so as soon as my alarm goes off (and I hit the snooze) I write down as many details of my dream as I can remember. If you get out of bed you are already forgetting little details you should have written down.
This basically trains your brain because it will try harder and harder to remember more details.

That is the stage I'm on now.
Soon...hopefully soon.... I'll be able to CONTROL MY DREAMS!!
I'm SO excited!!
Who wants do to it with me?!


Jessie said...

Well Tace sounds fun! I hope it works for ya!

Laura said...

I took a psychology class once where we did this for a week. It was fun to read later what I had dreamed. I didn't keep up with it.
Have fun with it. Good luck.
I love the new look and great music!

mom said...

I can't remember my dreams long enough to write them down, even if I did it before I moved from my bed. I remember very few dreams, but there are 2 or 3 I have had in my life that I remember to this day. I think I was supposed to learn something.

Erika said...

ooh!!! I wanna record my dreams with you Tacy!!! hahaha Especially because I had a wierd one this morning, that I was just trying to remember!!

katie said...

I tried this for like a week and it was cool! I wanna get better at it!

Lyd said...

I too have the most random dreams ever and I love them!! I use to be able to recall little details but now I'm not so good, but I can still get out the basics and some details. Funny thing, I actually woke up super early on Saturday, I was like "I just need to fall asleep and dream of "so and so"." and I totally did. It was glorious. :) I'm totally going to do this with you!! :D

katie said...

can i just say I've had this song stuck in my head all day. And I love it!