I am an arm girl.
Guys with well toned arms get me every time.
Perhaps it is because my arms are the complete opposite of well toned. I often call them elephants arms.
One of my favorite things about being the basketball team's manger in high school was that I got to see muscular arms.
I'm not a fan of body builder arms.
I like a smaller toned arm.
Also, when you can see the veins sticking out of someones arms because they are straining.
It gets me every time!
(This kind of reminds me of the one guy on Lady in the Water with the one really toned arm. That isn't ok. Plus his arm was too muscular.)
You have strange random thoughts! (But I love you anyway)
I agree, toned arms are a must. Also I'd like to say that your background makes me sick. Not 'sick' as in "I think it's hideous" but 'sick' as in "I get motion sickness from trying to read your blog". Anyway, I like reading your posts and hope you have a great week!!
I love it Tacy. Don't change it! It's different from other! :D
And I totally agree!! Nice toned arms and legs for that matter are totally sexy! Arms that are too big are gross. They don't have to be ripped, but where you can definition, Mmmmm, that's what I'm talkin about! :D I'm not so sure about the vein popping out thing though. That might just push it a little over the top for me. haha
I think it's fun how several of your recent blogs have been dedicated to describing the type of man you like and the type of masculine characteristics that appeal to you.
That's awesome! Got men on the brain or what? Tell us how you really feel Tacy! ;-)
HAHAHA I like the last comment. HAHA
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