Neil Armstrong walked on the moon.
Richard Nixon was inaugurated as the 37th President.
My grandma turned 40 on June 11th.
The first ever Woodstock was held in a field in New York.
The Beatles had their last public performance on the roof of the Apple Records building.
The US was still involved in the Vietnam War.
My dad was just out of high school.
Gas was (on the average) 35 cents per gallon.
The average cost of a new car was $3,270.00
The US instituted the first Draft Lottery since WWII.
The first successful transplant of a human eye took place.
The first ATM machine is installed in the US.
Sesame Street makes it debut.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang came out.
This $5 Bill I got the other day at Little Ceaser's was printed.

the “average life” of a $5 bill in circulation is 16 months before it is replaced due to wear
This bill lasted a lot longer than 16 months.
Holy crap! That's awesome!
1969 doesn't seem that long ago...but I guess it is long for a paper bill. Who knew?
I was wondering where this was going. That's a SUPER old bill. I wonder how many people have had that bill over it's life time, and I wonder how many people have had it recently and had no clue how old the bill was...interesting...
you've gotta wonder how it was preserved for so long - lost in someone's house etc, till it got back into circulation...
Wow, that's actually very cool. And informative. Way to be, Tacy.
Lets make a movie about the life of that 5 dollar bill. It would be fun wouldn't it. To see all the places and events it took place in.
wierd...i was wondering what the point of all the 1969 stuff was.
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