Monday, February 2, 2009

Let's Call The Whole Thing Off!

How many of my readers are familiar with the song, "Tomato, Tomato, Potato, Potato, Let's call the whole thing off". Of course the word Tomato and Potato are pronounced two different ways.
Well having spent some time in the West and most of my time in the Mid-West I've discovered some odd things that bear some explanation.

For example:

Why no where in the Mid-West can I buy Otter Pops?
Yet, in the West I can't buy Pop-Ice.

Why is the butter in the West in short fat sticks and the butter in the Mid-West in a longer rectangular shape?
Even the same brand of butter in the West is different shaped in the Mid-West.

Why in the West is "real" mayo called Best Foods and in the Mid-West it is called Hellman's.
They clearly have the same packaging, why the different name?
My roommate even saw a commercial talking about Best Foods but the jar on the TV said Hellman's.
What gives?

Why in the West do I go to the store and buy Dryer's Grand Ice Cream, but when I'm at home in the Mid-West I guy Edy's Grand Ice Cream.
What is the deal?


Sarah Harward said...

I've wonderend the same thing about the makes no sense to me either.

Laura said...

Things that make you go HMMMMMM!!!!

Lyd said...

I've never heard of the Dreyer's one!! That's crazy! I've never gotten why they do that?! You're next blog, the explanation for this.

Anonymous said...

The butter thing has always bugged me! I didn't know about the other things, though. By the way...I LOVE the new picture of you on the blog.

Katy Wilson said...

i agree with mom on the picture and you asked alot of good questions.

Jessie said...


Unknown said...

?? Tell me, because I didn't even realize it until you pointed it out.