Monday, July 21, 2008

Memory! All alone in the moonlight.....

Here are the rules:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you!


Sarah Harward said...

One of my favorite memories of you (okay, I actually have two) is
1: When we were working at the fudge factory and it was really slow and you were trying to do card tricks. TOO FUNNY!!
2: Before I ever met Steven (my husband now, for any of you who don't know) I was writing him on his mission and he sent a picture and you saw it and said 'Oh my gosh! Is that Steven, who's friends with the Smiths? I met him once and the first thing I thought of when I saw him was 'That is the most beautiful man I've ever seen!'
Every time I think of that second memory I get prideful and think 'That's right, my husband is one of the most beautiful men Tacy Nelson has ever seen. Yeah for me for catching him!'

Katy Wilson said...

remember when we built a crib with our couches and we slept there and it this day...the most comfortable thing i've ever slept in...or that one time when i would make you play ABC hot boys with me and I always had to go first so I could say "Austin" for A... or...and here is the icing on the cake...two words...Lazy Lion!

Anonymous said...

Remember when you would drive home from Idaho every summer and tell me you were not going to drive thru the night, or that you got off later than you expected and then you showed up HOURS earlier than we planned! I kind of have it figured out by now.

Anonymous said...

Remember when we went to the part that one day in Rexburg with Jessica and it started to rain and everything was all wet, and then we decided to go down the slide and you (with your mesh shorts on) never stopped at the end of the slide you just slid right of into the mud puddle at the bottom..good times!

Anonymous said...

and by we went the the part i really mean we went to the park!

Anonymous said...

Remember that time when you said something and I took it another way and then you realized how it could be interpreted, and I started laughing and you flipped me off? I'm still laughing over that one, you left yourself wide open. xD

tacy said...

katie, you can't let my mom know that i use that finger!

Katy Wilson said...

i want to know the details behind that story from katie....

Anonymous said...

I want the details, also!!

Kim said...

Tacy, you are so fun, thanks for letting me read your blog! (like you have a choice) I have a memory though...see I have gone to Nauvoo Ward almost as long as you! And I really remember you, I cannot NOT remember, because you were a gorgeous little girl! Long blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes! As I recall we sat just a few rows behind you, every Sunday, and I really thought you were adorable! And you still are!

Unknown said...

I remember being the Young women president and standing there feeling terrified and stupid and you smiling at me like everything was ok and I was doing fine. You made me feel ok. But now that I think about it....hmmm. You are really good at looking sweet innocent even when your mind is thinking other things...oh Tacy please tell me you wern't secretly laughing your butt off at me. lol Well thanks even if you were faking it. I love you. I am glad your back in Nauvoo. The girls LOV working with you.