Monday, April 13, 2009

Swing Low...

Don't you hate it when you get songs stuck in your head?
I often have a song in my head and it is usually a song, or a jingle from TV that I hate!
Well yesterday I had "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" stuck in my head. Why? I don't know. It isn't a song I hate but there was absolutely no reason for it to be stuck in my head.


Kevin said...

I had to sing that song in English class at Hamilton one time. It was lame.

mom said...

This is me officially commenting on your blog. I hate it when I get a song stuck in my head cause then I find myself even singing myself to sleep with it. Dumb! And by the way, you don't look like a tard in the picture...I think it is a GREAT picture of all of you!

Katy Wilson said...

Did mom really use the word 'tard' or was tacy commenting as mom. good questions...
i think you are a tard...whether you look like one or not i don't know.

Lyd said...

I swear my whole family was singing "Happy Little Working Song" from Enchanted the other day. My niece started it. We were singing it all day. Dang it. haha

Jessie said...

i just watched an episode of bones, and one of the characters started singing that song