As I lay in my bed, not sleepy but trying to sleep nonetheless, I began to think of how disappointed I am in the new razor I bought. My legs feel smooth and shaven, but they don't look smooth and shaven. I began to ponder how I could get a smooth shaven look and I decided I should try to wax them.
I wax my eyebrows all the time and am pleased with my results. I understand that waxing might be painful, but I have a high tolerance for pain, and I think the outcome would outweigh the pain.

Then I started thinking about how much I love the feeling of jumping into bed after freshly shaving my legs. I thought about why I love it so much and realized it was because of the cool temperature of the untouched bed.
This led me to think of a commercial I saw for Hampton Inn and Suites that said something to the effect of "we're as refreshing as the cool crisp side of the pillow" which made me fall in love with Hampton Inn and Suites because I love the cool crisp side of my pillow.
Which led me to think of a pillow I saw in a store that was a "cool" pillow. It was guaranteed to always be cool which I loved!
Which got me to thinking that I should invent a "cool mattress" because I love cool beds.
Which got me to thinking of another invention I've been thinking of which is a fridge where the outside doors are white boards. Wouldn't that be handy? It could still be magnetic, but also a white board so you could write on it whatever.
Then I started thinking about how I should let someone know about my invention idea because it always seems like I think of something handy (like the extension on the visor in a car because sometimes the visor isn't wide enough) someone invents and then when I say "I totally thought of that a long time ago" I look like a poser.
And that is the train of thought that got me here.
This led me to think of a commercial I saw for Hampton Inn and Suites that said something to the effect of "we're as refreshing as the cool crisp side of the pillow" which made me fall in love with Hampton Inn and Suites because I love the cool crisp side of my pillow.

Which got me to thinking that I should invent a "cool mattress" because I love cool beds.

Then I started thinking about how I should let someone know about my invention idea because it always seems like I think of something handy (like the extension on the visor in a car because sometimes the visor isn't wide enough) someone invents and then when I say "I totally thought of that a long time ago" I look like a poser.
Wow. Your train of thought actually goes someplace. lol Mine just sits at the station.
choo choo...train...of thought.
What a train ride! But I like it when you blog about random things like this.
Have you ever read the books, "If you give a mouse a cookie, a moose a muffin and a pig a pancake" hahaha! I love it! I thoroughly enjoyed the random thoughts!
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