Thursday, June 26, 2008

Can I have some snow please?

This is mainly for Katy and Mom, maybe Tuna but her memory is about as lasting as a goldfishes. So I'm rummaging through my cupboards at home trying to find a bowl and what do I find? That is right, this snow cone maker thingy. An exact replica of that one we used to have! We even have those white circular dishes to freeze the water in! I'm going to try to steal it because none of my room mates claim it. Now if only I could find those syrup bottles that were in the bottom of our fridge for the longest time.


Anonymous said...
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tacy said...

all those deleted comments were some weird weird thing.... i don't know what it was.

Unknown said...

Hey walmart has a lot of yummy snowcone flavors really cheap. I am wondering what top secret messages are behind those deleted comments. lol

Lyd said...

Is it that weird crap that people you don't even know come and post? I hate those. But I do love me a snow cone!! Take it! DO IT! :D

Katy Wilson said...

nice....maybe you should put that 'type in the secret word' thing back up and that wouldnt happen...i don't know...

tacy said...

maybe that is true

Anonymous said...

i do remember this, thank you very much! Well i have the picture in my mind, and i know the clear water freezing dishes you speak of but i don't have a huge memory of using it.

Anonymous said...

I'm an idiot! The last comment from Tacy was from me! Tuna! I was thinking about Tacy and that was the word that came to bad..