Friday, January 15, 2010

Parting is such Sweet Sorrow

I wasn't going to write a blog because I feel like everything I have to blog about these days is fluff, but I have to post something and this has been on my mind. So bare with me and when I'm finally inspired to write something inspiring I promise I'll deliver.

I love Lost.
I don't think I've ever stuck with a TV show through it's whole life and loved it as much as I love Lost.
Like Jimmy Kimmel said, "If you don't follow it closely it's hard to understand, but if you do follow it closely it's even more difficult to understand."
It confuses the crap out of me and sometimes I swear it has gotten so weird I'll never come back, but I always return.
This is the last season and I can't wait! I have so many questions, and even though I'm sure they can't all be answered I know at least some of them will be cleared up.
Feb. 2nd just can't come quick enough!


Kevin said...

I heartily concur. And what makes it even more anticipatory is that they aren't showing any new footage in any of the previews. And none of the cast are saying anything about it either. Argles.

Lisa and Dan said...

I can't wait until February! I have many questions that need answering about LOST as well. I love that show. Ken and I have seen every episode.

Lisa and Dan said...

oops. That was Jo, I am signed in as Lisa I guess.

Katy Wilson said...

I too am anxiously anticipating the final season of Lost, and I hope that my questions are answered but I have my doubts...

by the come it was only mentioned in passing that nathan totaled his car...really?

Lyd said...

I'm sure you could call Julie and talk to her about ever show. I'm sure she would love it! :D