Sunday, January 10, 2010

It Pays to be Crafty

Jessie decided she wanted to make a jean quilt.
Nothing too fancy... just squares with an adorable backing fabric.
Katy and I went through a phase where every pair of jeans we owned went into an "I'm making a jean quilt someday..." box.
I told Jessie she could use our jeans (hope that's ok Katy) and she commenced cutting squares.
Last night as she was cutting up a pair of jeans she reached into the pocket and found $7 and a movie ticket stub.
Who knows how long it has been there and how long it would have sat there if she didn't decide to make a quilt.


Kevin said...

I'm curious about which movie it was. Naturally. And because that may tell me how long said stuffs was in there...

Lyd said...

Shut up!!! I love it! And I agree with Kevin, what movie was it?!

tacy said...

Unfortunately I saw the movie in Keokuk (Vin understands what that means) so there is no record of what movie it was, just a red ticket stub.

ashlee jean said...

i so totally have a bag of jean squares. already cut. already sorted...just somehow havent made it into a blanket yet. i also have a bag of tshirt squares that havent made it into a blanket yet either. one of these days!

Anonymous said...

i love finding forgotten money!

Katy Wilson said...

so did you keep the money or did Jessie? Cause technically you gave those jeans to Jessie...
and I don't care...cause clearly I was never oging to drag them to Arizona to make a jean quilt...did you use the penguin scrap?