Monday, November 24, 2008

I Must Be Bored

I can tell I've been away from single attractive males for a long time. As soon as I see a good looking guy on TV or a movie I stare and smile. I hardly ever buy magazines but I bought the People 'Sexiest Man Alive' issue because I feel deprived of attractive men (plus Katy shared with me that there is a scratch and sniff sexy men section!! page 82). Not that there aren't plenty of attractive men around here but oogling over someone who is happily married is/should be looked down upon.
Also it has become very evident to me the fact that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
I don't think Leonardo DiCaprio is attractive at all. Or Michael Phelps, or Patrick Dempsey, or Seal (I'm flipping through my magazine, that is how I came up with the names) or any of the Jonas brothers.
PLUS, I'm sure I'll get over this very quickly, but it freaks me out when I see someone and think "Wow that guy is sexy!" and he ends up being younger than me. I know sexiness doens't depend on age and as I get older I might even be more attracted to people younger than me but at this moment it freaks me out.
Oh-I forgot to mention why this all came about. The guy pictured above is Jeremy Sisto from Law and Order. I walked in on my mom watching Law and Order (that makes it seem like I caught her doing something she wasn't supposed to) and his voice and his suit and his hair and everything about him made me stare. I think he is SO fine.


Unknown said...

I think you need a job writing a column for a major newspaper or magazine. I know I would pay to read what you write. You always make the most interesting points out of the most mundane everyday thoughts. I love reading your perspective on everyday life. I agree with your list of "not very attractive men". Actually your whole post is right on spot!!

Anonymous said...

Was it the issue with Hugh Jackman? I might have to go get that magazine myself *swoon*

Anonymous said...

I have to agree...although at my age if I say anyone is sexy it makes me look like a dirty old lady.

Katy Wilson said... said "not that there aren't plenty of attractive men around here"...I am assuming by 'here' you mean 'Nauvoo' and by 'plenty' you mean 'enough to go around' and so therefore I must disagree with you ... your statement is false. There are not plenty of attractive men there.

tacy said...

there are plenty of attractive married men

Katy Wilson said... plenty. some...but not plenty.