Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sing, Sing a Song!

At what age is it officially "uncool" to sing.
I remember loving to sing in church when I was little and then when I got older my mom would have to force me to sing.

I teach the 8 years old in church and there are two boys in my class who LOVE to sing.
When the pianist starts playing the music they perk up in their chair and belt out the tunes. There are a couple of other kids in my class who like to make fun of those two because they sing. Not for HOW they sing, but for the simple fact that they are singing.
I don't get it!

One of the little boys in my class is SO cute when he sings.
I hate to confess he actually made me cry the other day.
We were sitting in primary and he was messing around with a book his mom had given him. I asked him a million times to put it away and pay attention but he just kept looking at the book. As soon as the music started playing he put his book in his bag, sat up at the end of his chair and sang...really loudly, with lots of gusto. He didn't take his eyes off the chorister for one second. And he wasn't ashamed to be singing, even though is voice is weird and I'm sure no one but me knew what he was singing.
And it made me cry.

Anyway...I just want to know when it is officially uncool to sing, and then when it is officially ok to sing again.


Kathy N said...

I have often wondered the same thing! However, I clearly remember when you were too 'cool' to sing...

Katy Wilson said...

I don't believe I have ever been too cool to sing...

and I bet your were getting ready for Aunt Flow to visit that day in primary huh...don't worry...happens to me all the time!

JHayes said...

Singing became "un-cool" at about age 7...I'll be 29 in three weeks and I'm still waiting for it to become "cool" again. I'll keep you posted when/if there is a "cool resurgence" at some point.

david and christina said...

me and my siblings have always been to cool to sing. hahaha... when the choister says "when you sing you should not be able to hear the person next to you" i take it the opposite and make sure i can hear everyone around!

david and christina said...

looks like you have some good kids in your class

Lyd said...

I don't get why people don't sing either. I have an opinion about it, but I won't share it at this moment. It's really sad why people think it's lame to sing. I sing, but I don't do it by myself...too self conscious, but I'm slowly getting over it. Anyway, if I have a kid that thinks it's uncool to sing...actually, I won't have a kid like that. I raise them to love music. N-E-Ways...

Jillane said...

I think when someone is "forced" to sing, like when your mom makes you go to choir practice and you really don't want to go, then singing becomes "uncool." I know that I hated singing when I was forced to sing, but when it was a song I liked or if I was in a car, it was ok. Also, puberty for boys makes it a little uncomfortable for them.