I'm in some sort of pondering state of mind right now.
I've been really bored lately and I've had a lot of time alone with my thoughts. I've been reading old letters I've found and old emails I've sent and received and I've come to one conclusion:
I've changed.
And I'm not quite sure if it is for the better or not.
In some regards I feel as mature if not more mature then the average 24 year old, and then in other regards I feel as mature as a 14 year old.
I used to be funny and I'm not really funny anymore.
I use to have a confidence in myself that I seem to lack these days.
I use to be a social butterfly and these days I seem to enjoy being a recluse.
I use to not get along with Jessie and now we get along really well.
I use to have tons of friends and now I have....well....not tons.
Even my beautiful hair I used to brag about has changed. Jessie said it looks grayish and the other day in primary all the kids made weird "What did you do faces?!" and asked me why I colored my hair, and I haven't touched my hair.
all in all I'm not who I used to be and I'm not quite sure if I'm comfortable anymore.