Who is Aunt Margie?
Aunt Margie was my mom's friend's aunt.
Why thank Aunt Margie?
I never knew Aunt Margie but she will live on in my heart because she passed down a recipe for cookies that now bear her name.
Aunt Margie Cookies are really good with almond flavoring and a layer of melted chocolate on top.
I love Aunt Margie Cookies.
I love recipes that bear the name of their owner. Uncle Bill's Taco Casserole, Mom's Banana Bars, Suzan's Dip (none of those are real recipes but I'm sure they exist somewhere in the universe).
I never knew who Aunt Margie was until 5 seconds ago when I asked my mom who she was, (actually I asked my dad first and he told me she was my grandma's friend... what gives?) but she will go down in history as being a good cookie maker. Isn't that kinda fun?
I'm sure Aunt Margie never dreamed that one day her nieces friends daughter would someday in history be writing an Ode to her but it is what it is! I'm going to try and get some recipes circulating with my name tacked on so hopefully sometime in history my niece's best friend's granddaughter's uncle will be writing an ode to me!
Here's the question. Do you have to 'invent' the recipe to have your name attached, or just simply share a good recipe with a lot of people so your known for that one thing?
Actually, there is a recipe called 'Mom's Banana Bars'. I got it from grandma, so I call it that. And to answer Sarah's question, you don't have to invent it, you just share it, and that person calls it "Sarah's Taco Salad" or whatever so she knows which taco salad recipe it is.
I have a few recipies in my recipie box with the following titles: Rodneys Chocolate Chip Cookies, Sarahs Chicken Enchaladas, and Lisas Marinated Carrots...
I also have Aunt Margie Cookies and they were a big hit in my apartment a few weeks ago! Ashlie LOVED them...
Katy, can i have a copy of "Rodney's chocolate chip cookies"? I lost my recipe.
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