Monday, October 13, 2008

ignorance IS bliss

Remember back when cell phones weren't existent so no one thought it was a big deal to travel without one? And these days it is considered crazy to travel anywhere without your cell phone. We didn't know what we were missing.
Same with old school Bic razors. I don't even know how many blades were in them, probably two or three but now a razor is no good unless it has 5 blades in it. Now your legs (or face or pits) just aren't smooth enough unless you have 5 razors.
This brings me to toilet paper. I'm sure everyone hates using public restrooms because they are nasty and publicly used but also because they typically have 1 ply toilet paper. Toilet paper isn't any good unless it is 2 ply. Well did you know that last month Quilted Northern launched a 3 ply toilet paper? I wonder how that is going to go over. Do we really need that extra layer? Do we really need 5 blades?
Ignorance really is bliss I guess because if you never knew how good a 5 bladed razor is then you wouldn't care.


Anonymous said...

Interesting...what got you on this rant?

Katy Wilson said...

i do believe 5 blades is better than 3... and since you are an avid shaver i figured you would feel the same way...
also...2 ply is the only way to go...well...maybe 3 ply but that just might clog the toilet...

tacy said...

i'm not saying 3 blades are better but if no one would have come up with a 5 bladed razor we wouldn't know any better. I will never use anything less than a 5 bladed razor (which are more expensive) because I know it is better but if I didn't know....

Unknown said...

I think this is a realy silly conversation. I think life was easier when we had less choices.

Katy Wilson said...

i agree...if we had never known about the 5 blades we wouldn't think anything of 3...
i have often thought about this...
how we could do something one way for so long and then a super easier/more convienent/fast/more fun/ way comes along and we wonder how we ever got along without it...
for example...
8 tracks...i mean cassettes...i mean cds... i mean ipods...
the internet...
the list goes on...but those are things i can't live without...even though i am living without half of those things...

Sarah Harward said...

True that. I agree Ignorance is Bliss!

Anonymous said...

I absolutley agree that it will clog the toilet. plus 2 ply is plenty to get the job done. 3 ply is simply not necesarry. Let boycott it!

Laura said...

I am a toilet paper snob -if you had to grow up in my house with my dad the procurer (sp?) of TP you too would grow up being a toilet snob. As an adult able to buy my own TP I will go for comfort and a job well done. So bring on the 3ply Ohh my butt can't wait!!! Yippee. I will even put bigger pipes in my plumbing to accomadate the bigger bulk. -Humm I am talking about plumbing in my house not me.

As a reply to your comment on my blog. Thanks for the advice. I am so new to all of this so any input is much appericated.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, I can think of a couple other hygiene items that if I didn't have I wouldn't be satisfied. I think it takes some extravagant inventions to appreciate the helpful ones.