Monday, February 21, 2011

The Little Things

Jessie and I got a coupon in the mail the other day for $3.00 off a large Casey's pizza.
Jessie pulled out the coupon to see when it expires and found out it expires February 31st.


Katy Wilson said...

I was putting some work orders in the guys' drawers (there work cabinet drawer...not their underwear drawer) and I saw some that Danielle had issued that said "Due to the City Feb 30th." But you have me beat with Feb funny!

Kevin said...

At first I was like "But it's only the 22nd." Then I thought a little more...

Ashlie said...

haha at first I didn't get it...shocker. thats sad...i always get sad when my coupons expire before i use them (even though i know realize there is no feb 31st) did you tell them?
this is off the subject...but whenever i open your blog i always close my eyes because of that one time you posted about a frog and i nearly barfed and passed out. just thought i would let you know.