Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Poem

I Hate Christmas Lights
a poem by Tacy Nelson

Christmas lights, so bright and cheery
I love to see you lit,
But when I go to string you yearly
it always ends with a fit.
Why do you refuse to work?
I really don't understand.
You make me feel like a big fat jerk
like YOU have the upper-hand.
All I want is some Christmas cheer,
is that so hard to see?
It only comes this time of year,
so please cooperate with me!


mom said...

Very clever! You must have gotten them figured out because your tree looks great.

Katy Wilson said...

ya..the tree looks good...i saw it with my own eyes!

Lyd said...

haha I couldn't agree more! Really, why much Christmas lights be so rude?!