Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Do You Believe in Santa?

I've been saddened lately with the amount of people who deny their children the joy of believing in Santa.

Francis P. Church responded to a little girls inquiry about the existence of Santa by saying:

"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there was no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished."

I feel like kids are no longer given the opportunity to be kids, and not believing in Santa is a major factor in that.

Why do people want their kids to grow up so fast? I see so many parents who, as Francis P. Church said, "have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age."

What is wrong with a little make believe?

It is OK to believe whole heartily in something that isn't there, it restores our youth!

And Jesus (the reason for this holiday season) even said in Matthew 18:4 "Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

I think we should all look in ourselves and decide if we believe in Santa.
Instead of growing up, take the time to "humble" yourselves "as a little child", especially now when the opportunity is right at hand!

And as long as you keep your priorities straight there is plenty of room for Santa during this Christmas season!


mom said...

I whole-heartedly agree! I don't think there is anyone who would say that their life has been destroyed because they grew up believing in Santa.

Lyd said...

Agreed with you and your mother!! I'm all about letting my kids believe in Santa, the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, and what ever else for as long as possible. It's what being a kid is about!

Kevin said...

I really like the boldness of that reply to Virginia. Childlike wonder is an amazing thing. It's one of the reasons I love spending time with my niece. It's a joy to behold in others & I try to keep it within myself about certain things in life.

Unknown said...

I always told my kids that Santa is real as long as you want to believe in him. When they said their friend told them that their parents were Santa and Santa wasn't real. I told them "that just means their mom and dad dont believe in Santa, but you are lucky because your mom and dad do." Santa still comes to our house even though our youngest is 16 because Christmas just wouldn't be the same without him. Thanks for your post. You are just about the wisest woman I know. Merry Christmas!!

Katy Wilson said...

I get so mad when people are 'too good' to have their kids believe in their kids are 'too smart' for it or something. I just don't think there is any good reason why you would want your kids to not believe in Santa. That is the whole magic of Chrismtas. Yes, we all know that Christ is the reason for the season...but that doesn't mean that there is no room for Santa! Santa is the magic behind it all...

Bryan asked me a couple times if I still believe in Santa, and I replied with conviction "Absolutly I do" and he would says "well, I don't, I figured it out". We all 'figure it out' at some point...but that doesn't mean that we have to stop believing. Sure, I know there is no jolly man in a red suite who comes down my chimeny...but that doesn't mean I have to let go of the magic of Santa...the Spirit of Santa.