Friday, December 3, 2010

House of Horrors!

I hate the house I'm living in.
The reasons why include:

The owner of the house has his car parked in the two car garage and now that winter is here Jessie and I have to park out in the frosty air and defrost our cars every morning even though we are paying AMPLE money to have a two car garage.

The dishwasher doesn't work.

Someone else's stuff is in our basement and they have a key to our house and on occasion come over when we aren't here. I know who it is and I would have NO problem if they were to ask me if they could come over but knowing that someone is there while I'm not creeps me out. Plus IT'S ILLEGAL, key or not.

The electrical outlet in my bathroom doesn't work so I can't blow dry/straighten my hair in the bathroom and my electric toothbrush can't be plugged in unless I plug it in someone random in the house.

We got a notice in our mailbox that our mailbox isn't regulation height and the box isn't level. This is the 2nd time we got one of these notices and the first time we asked if we could fix it and send the owner the bill and he said no, he'd have someone fix it. It got fixed but it's now broken again. The post office gave us a month to fix our mailbox this time or they'd start holding our mail. I passed that info on but guess what...the mailbox still isn't fixed and as of Dec. 1st the post office has been holding my mail.

In the basement there is a 55 gallon garbage can that a random pipe drips into and we are expected to dump the garbage can every 2 days or so.

The doorbell doesn't work.

After receiving a $300 water bill in June I asked to have a plumber come look at the house and have asked a few times is now December and no plumber has come cause the owner doesn't want to pay for it. Today I went into my bathroom and it smelled NASTY, I thought it was the garbage but it wasn't, there is a giant nasty wet spot all around my toilet (carpeted bathroom...sick) and it smells NASTY. So if someone had come in June when I asked there probably wouldn't be this problem and it would have been a lot cheaper to fix then then it will be now!

I thought I was signing a month to month contract so when the summer was over and a cheaper house was available I could give a 30 day notice and we could move. I guess I signed a year contract so now two of us have to pay what 4 of us were splitting and it is draining our savings and checking accounts and soon all the money we've saved will be gone and the owner of the house is just going to have to sue me because I can no longer afford rent to live in this DUMP of a house.


Katy Wilson said...

He's not going to sue you...move out. Or like I've said a million times...ask that stupid landlord for a copy of the lease that they are being so anal about sticking to and see how they are breeching their contract. And once you've pointed it out to them how they are not keepign their end of the bargain...and if they don't fix everything...then move out. Or sue them...that works...I know from first hand experiance. And I know it's awkward because you know the landlord lady but it doesn't matter cause if they are like everyone else that moves to Nauvoo looking for glory then they'll be gone soon. OR...they could move away then move back then move away then move back then move away then move back...but' wouldnt' be your problem.

Just move out...or at least send (another) email specifing all the things in this blog (plus there's more I'm sure) and let them know they aren't keeping their end of your contract so you aren't going to either...and then move out.

Lyd said...

That is seriously ridiculous! That makes me sad that people are too stubborn to do the right/proper thing. So lame! I'm sorry Tacy! I sure hope you can find some loopholes to get our of your contract! You should look over it to see if he has breached it in anyway. :\

tacy said...

It's not the landlord who causes the problems. The owner of the house is just as much of a headache for her as he is for me.

Katy Wilson said...

Then send a certified letter to your landlord stating your claims/problems and let him know that if the specific things that are a problem are not corrected you will be finding another place to reside. You have to have a copy of your lease and you have rights as a renter too...he is supossed to keep things to a certian standard...and I guarantee with renters laws and stuff...that he isn't.

Unknown said...

I would have moved out a long time ago. I really hate it when members of the church buy property in Nauvoo and turn into slum lords. It happens way too often and it is embarrassing.