Sunday, June 27, 2010

I always feel like somebody's watching me

I work at a gas station.

I am often overly paranoid about my personal security there.
When I get into work I always make sure the back door is locked, and whenever a customer comes in I stand by the silent alarm button "just in case".

There is this creepy guy who lives in town who comes into the gas station three of four times a night when I work. He always drives by and looks in the window as he drives by which kinda creeps me out cause I'm always looking out the window and I think he thinks we have a connection or something.
He hasn't really said much to me besides "hello" and "nice night to be doing laundry," once when I ran into him at the laundry mat. The reason I blog about him now is because the other night he came into the gas station and stayed in there and talked to me for 45mins before another customer came in and he finally left.
Because of the topics he wanted to discuss and the things he said he has passed the level of just 'kinda creepy guy who I see sometimes' to 'CREEPY guy who I wish would leave me alone'.
I know he bugs other people besides me. He is unemployed and doesn't do anything except drive around and bug people but I still can't help but think he is stalking ME.


mom said...

I don't blame you, I would feel that way too... but he is the kind that if you are nice to him, he keeps coming back. One more thing on your list of "reasons why I need to ...?

JHayes said...

I'd think about getting a "non-silent" alarm by the makers of Smith & Wesson...

Laura said...

Does he have both legs?!?

Lyd said...

Scary. Period.

Nikki said...

cREEPy cREEPERSOn - I have two simple words for you.......... restraining order!! ;)

katie said...

"non-silent" alarm comment made my day. And I second that motion.

tacy said...

Yes Laura he does have two legs, it's now who you're thinking of even though the guy you're thinking of I'm sure is going to come up to the door and yell until i come out and see what he wants (i've heard he does that at Casey's)