Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reflections of a Jr. High Substitute

Have you ever formed an opinion of someone in your head and then gotten to know that person better and your opinion was COMPLETELY changed?

As I said in an earlier post I've been working at the Jr. High lately and there is this one kid who I always see at church and in my head (knowing his family) I formed the opinion that he was a "good kid". Not just a "good kid" but an exceptionally good kid... a "good little church boy".
I've seen him pass the sacrament at church and just admired him because he seemed like such a good kid.
Well today that opinion was proven wrong and I was really crushed.

It was the last day of school and some kids wanted to stage a "rebellion" by wearing t-shirts with the sleeves cut off. (yesterday one of the kids got told to go put a shirt on because he didn't have sleeves and he got offended and staged this little event)
I was so sad when I saw the "good little church boy" show up with no sleeves.
Later on in the day I was watching a class he was in and some kids ("good little church boy" included) started throwing paper-wads and spit balls. I told them to stop and one of the kids threw one at me and everyone (including "good little church boy") laughed.
I wish I could have pulled him aside and said:
"Hey! you know better than to try to conform with these guys! People just want someone to follow, so YOU be the leader and let them follow you and just BE GOOD!"
During lunch I was watching everyone as they were playing outside and "good little church boy" was playing football with a group of boys. I was pushed over the disappointment edge when I heard the f-word being yelled.
I guess I had my expectations a little high for "good little church boy".
I was similar to "good little church boy" in high school. I didn't stand up and be the good little leader, I just went with the flow. I never did anything 'bad' (and I don't think "good little church boy" has either) but I still look bad and wish I could have just been just a little bit better.


Kathy N said...

If only kids could learn this lesson while they are young . . . it sure cuts down on the regret.

Sarah Harward said...

As my granny always says 'I wish I could put this old head on a young body!' Not that you're old, but the world is getting bad so fast that the gap is seeming bigger and bigger (at least that's what I tell myself to keep from feeling like an old prude!)

Katy Wilson said...

i wanna know who it is...

Laura said...

You better tell me if this was my son!!!

Lyd said...

This makes me sad. I swear things weren't like this when we were younger. It was there a little bit, but not too much. :\

Unknown said...

I know who you were talking about without actually knowing and I have felt the same way with the same regrets. I am sharing this post with my children just to show them how their actions make others feel. Thanks so much for sharing Tacy.

Sam said...

while it's sad that kids can easily give in to peer pressure and do silly things, don't lose in that little guy completely. i was one of those kids once...