Monday, June 30, 2008

Watch Out Betty Crocker!!!

Last week my roommates made cinnamon rolls. Try as they did they could never make good cinnamon rolls because they don't have my dads recipe. After tasting their sad attempt at a culinary confection I decided I couldn't go another week without my dads cinnamon rolls. Honestly his cinnamon rolls are legend. Some kids have visions of sugar plums dancing through their heads during Christmas, I have visions of my dads cinnamon rolls. So above are pictures of my attempt to recreate my dads genius. Things always taste better when someone else makes them, but if I do say so myself they aren't that bad. I'm pretty sure my roommates ended up throwing away the rest of theirs because they were dry and no one at them right away (that might be because no one in my apartment knows the concept of covering their food). The last picture is what remains after an encounter with my four roommates and two of my FHE brothers. I guess that means they liked them.
Next attempt: My dads rolls.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Can I have some snow please?

This is mainly for Katy and Mom, maybe Tuna but her memory is about as lasting as a goldfishes. So I'm rummaging through my cupboards at home trying to find a bowl and what do I find? That is right, this snow cone maker thingy. An exact replica of that one we used to have! We even have those white circular dishes to freeze the water in! I'm going to try to steal it because none of my room mates claim it. Now if only I could find those syrup bottles that were in the bottom of our fridge for the longest time.

a public service announcement

This Is False!!!!

This is basically a picture for Tuna who was blessed enough to not know what tightrolling is

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

and you tightroll your jeans

Honestly, is the fanny pack really coming back? Something can't come back if the weird people are still doing it (ie Steve Menke I hope he never stumbles on this). I saw TWO girls on campus with fannypacks AND tightrolled jeans. Please Please Please tell me they aren't making a come back.

Monday, June 23, 2008

What is under there?

Am I the only one in the world who still wears underwear? My room mate just told me that this is the fifth time this semester she has worn underwear and I know a certain reader of mine use to frequently practice the commando way of life. Why? Why don't people wear underwear anymore?

Saturday, June 21, 2008

...and my mind was opened!

I forgot to share a story about the Hindu temple yesterday. The people who run it also have a small farm type thing on the grounds. They have mini cows (I don't mean calves, I mean a mini breed of cows), Lamas, huge carp fish, peacocks, and a parrot. I was standing by the parrot cage (which is a feat because birds and I aren't really the best of friends) and the parrot starting moving it's head up and down and then it stared at me and said "Hi!" It was actually quite cute. Then it moved closer to the front of the cage so I stepped back and to the side and he moved to the side with me and did the head thing again (I think it was bowing) and said "Hi!" again. It was quite the experience for a bird hater like me. Maybe all birds aren't created equal.

My word of the summer for today is lugubrious. it means expressing sorrow. I'll use it in a sentence:
Katy said that Butch Walker had to postpone his tour in Arizona, I'd like to be more lugubrious but I really don't care.

Friday, June 20, 2008

ello govna!! (use the british accent)

You may be asking, "What is with the picture?" You may also be asking, "What does 'ello govna' have to do with a speedometer?" Well my friends let me explain. Today for one of my classes we had to drive down to Utah for a field trip. I didn't want to be stuck behind my slow teacher the whole trip, so about ten miles down I-15 I decide to take the initiative and pass him. My van hit 80mph and what happens? A very loud "you don't have you seat belt on" dinging started to ding and wouldn't shut off. Come to find out, the school had put a governor on the van so it wouldn't go past 80. Ridiculous? Yes! Did people stare at me with the "Speed Up Lady!" look? Yes! Will I ever drive a BYU-Idaho vehicle to Utah again? No!
Below is the picture of the BYU-Idaho gas card I got to have possession of on the trip, and the key to the brand new van I was driving (only 2,506 miles on it). It was a very cool key, and the other two vans were old and had average keys.This is the picture of the Hindu temple we went to visit. It was interesting. Very interesting. We had a little tour where the guide explained to us that we weren't correctly following the word of wisdom because when it says, "eat meat sparingly" sparingly means only in case of emergency... like "spare" tire. You don't use it unless you have to. Because they are vegetarians we had the privilege of eating at Govidna's Vegetarian Buffet which included Fig Newtons, Tang, applesauce, chocolate pudding from a can, brown iceberg lettuce, Ruffles, carrots, watermelon, bread, and tomatoes. Yummmm!!!

After going to the temple we went to Salt Lake City to the church office building to have a little talk form this guy named David Warner(?) And I think he might have thought I had a crush on him because I kept staring at him but I KNEW I had seen him before. Well turns out he is "in charge" of the Nauvoo pageant so there you go.
Then we went to see the temple and some of the religious symbols on it then we went to the Cathedral of the Madelin. Then we headed home. My van was the only one that didn't get "lost" so we had to sit at Farr West and wait for the other vans to appear. Then we headed home, going 75mph the whole stupid way.
The End

ps: I'm learning a new word every day for the entire summer and today was Inimical. It means unfriendly. I'll use it in a sentence:
Not stopping to talk to my room mate who I saw in Salt Lake on the temple grounds taking pictures because she had just gotten married was inimical.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

They wouldn't dare!

DISCLAIMER: Don't Hate Or Judge Me For This Post!We had a discussion in class today about the Nazi's and how Hitler had said he was going to try to take out all the Jews way before he actually did and everyone sort of had this "He won't REALLY do it! He wouldn't dare" mentality. Well guess what, he did. Preventative measures could have been taken, Winston Churchill tried to tell everyone but no one wanted to "prevent".
I was thinking about how Hilary Clinton said something to the affect of...If Iran was to bomb Israel we would take measures against Iran. Why only after the fact? Shouldn't we try to prevent things from happening instead of just cleaning up after them?
I don't know.... we can't just bomb a place and I'm not suggesting we do that, but if Iran has said "we are going to do this" why wouldn't we act instead of just saying "They won't REALLY do it! They wouldn't dare" because we KNOW that people do do horrible things.
I think it is just scary because people say "well IF someone attacks..." but honestly we have terrorists at our back door. Our government allows for free speech and public assembly so we have people gathering IN America saying We Hate America! Down With America! A girl in my class has an aunt and an uncle who are American Muslims (they live in Michigan, the state with the largest Muslim population) and they stopped attending their church meetings at the mosque because these meetings were all about how they are going to take down America.
Nonie Darwish (her dad was a Jihad Suicide Bomber) said that Americaa is strangling itself with their political correctness. I think she hit it right on the button. We are wrapped up in saying it is ok, nothing is going to happen. There isn't a threat, don't worry, when really there is a threat. People who say that September 11th was our fault (Ron Paul) are crazy.
I don't know what I'm trying to say... It is just kind of scary and I wish there was a way to 'prevent' without war but I don't see anyway around it. I guess that is why we wait for something to happen and then we react. It doesn't make sense but it is politically correct.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The News needs a new name.

We all know N-E-W-S stand for North, East, West, South and not New as in never seen before because today I discovered that the there is nothing "New" about the news (Pun Intended).
I get out of class at 11:15 on Tuesdays so naturally I turned on the TV. Seeing Burlington Iowa on the news captured my attention so I stuck around for a while. I saw Shepard Smith, Wolf Blitzer, Bill Hemmer, Anderson Cooper, and Campbell Brown report the same news over and over and over again. John McCain wants to lift the ban on off shore drilling....Women aren't voting for Obama...Homosexuals were legally married....Obama wants to treat terrorists like common criminals....and the midwest if flooding. Over and Over and Over again.
It was like watching the same episode of gilmore girls all day long. I love Gilmore Girls, but one episode at a time.
PS: If you are going to have a flashing 'Breaking News' sign show on the screen, make sure the news wasn't also 'Breaking News' eight hours earlier in the day. Where is the line of 'Breking News' and just plain old News?

and so I being to conform...

Well everyone (I say everyone as if I already have a huge fanbase patiently awaiting my arrival to blogspot) I have been sucked into blogspot. How I like to pretend I am not a conformist when in all reality I buy things based on their packaging.

I start this blog with a disclaimer: I can't update all the time. So if at times I go a week without an update don't loose faith, I will return.

I don't have anything to blog about right now I just wanted to say hello, and here I am (you can stop clapping now).